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the devil

This page will feature the God inpired tract with insights on daily Holy living.

Volume#1 Published 1998 (edited for this site)

I know you may read this and wonder "What is This junk I am reading?'
I also know that once you get past this paragraph and read the next you're probably going to want to not finish reading. Well I ask that you continue because what is contained in this message is GOOD NEWS! It is the most truthful thing you will ever hear in your lifetime, and it will also save your life.

The world we live in has told us that we should live life to fullest. It is all right to eat up, drink up, and party until we can't party no more. The world has also told us sex is fine (just tune in to Ricki Lake or Jenny Jones). We have been told it's all right for women and men to strip tease and dress sexy. Drinking is okay too (according to all of the beer commercials). Even though there are laws saying drugs are illegal, they are allowed to enter into our communities. Have you ever thought that the world could be WRONG? They have been wrong before, for example everybody (including me) thought that O.J. was going to jail, guilty or not guilty. Slave owners thought that in bringing Africans here we would always be in slavery (physical). The Pharisees thought that JESUS was dead, but the world was Wrong!
Which brings me to my next point. the world has told us that we don't have to believe in a religion that is over 200 years old, and you don't have to Love GOD. Well I have known the world to be wrong, but never have I known Him or His Word to be wrong. Matthew 4:10>> says "Thou shalt worship the LORD thy GOD and Him only, shalt thou serve." The LORD laid it on my heart to write to you. He wants you to put your trust back in Him, not in the world, because if you trust GOD, you will build faith in Him. The only way to build faith in GOD is the written Word of GOD. Romans 10:17>> says "So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of GOD." It is time you know The TRUTH. The world through Satan has fooled you.

What is the Truth? The Truth is GOD loves you and wants you to come unto Him. What the Truth is not: the lies we learned from others, the struggles we go through while in sin, the murders we commit, the use of mind altering substances (cocaine, cigarettes, weed, beer,etc), the cussing, having sex before you are married (fornication). these things are not only the work on sinful man but of the invisible god of this world, Satan. Ephesians 6:12>> gives us a clear veiw of this, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." In other words fallen angels transformed into demons seeking the demise of man. 1Peter 5:8 "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour."

What I am about to say next will proably make you mad, and if it does that means I have your attention. Have you ever heard the saying, " If your friend jumps off the bridge, will you jump too?" I'm asking, "If the rest of the world wants to go to Hell, are you going too?" I know someone my say I'm judging them, but answer me this, "Have you repented of your sins? Have you been baptised in JESUS name? Have you recieved the HOLY SPIRIT? Are you living your life according to your life manuel (the Bible)?" If not then you are walking on a very dangerous road. Listen my friends it is better that you suffer trouble with GOD, because the pleasures of sin is but for a season (a short time). Hebrews 11:25>>> "There is a consequence for sin." Romans 6:23>>> "For the wages of sin is DEATH, but the gift of GOD is Eternal Life." Dying in your sins will only separate you from the mercy of GOD forever. There is someone reading this and saying to themselves, "Well I've read it but, I'm not a bad person, I don't hurt nobody and I do good for people." Then there is someone who says, "Well I go to church every sunday so I know I'm all right." Someone else thinks being baptised when they were young or older will save them, Not So! Just as I have shown you Truth then Consequence, through my Deliverer, I can show you how you can be Saved. I really believe someone reading this is buliding Faith through this message and wants to leave this world behind for the Truth. Let's go back to Romans 6:23, " The gift of GOD is Eternal Life through CHRIST JESUS."
JESUS came to earth to bear our sins, so that we could have fellowship with GOD again. How we go about this fellowship is simple... Repent, meaning to have regret for sin, to resolve and reform yourself. Sin keeps us from being with GOD, it seperates us. 1John 1:9>>> tells us how we can be restored to HIS fellowship. If we but confess our sins, he is Faithful and Just. GOD will forgive us our sins and he will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. St. John 5:24>>> says, "Verily, verily I say unto you he that hear my words and beleiveth on him that sent me hath ever lasting life and shall not come unto condemnation, but passed from Death unto Life." Act 16:31>>> " And they said believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST and thou shalt be saved and thy house."

Glory to GOD!!! Glory to GOD!!! Someone is recieving this message today. I say to you as Apostle Peter said in Acts 2:40 " Save yourself from this Untoward (crooked) Generation." While GOD"S Grace and Mercy have not yet run out.

Read this to your Children.... Youngsters... Teenagers...Family....A Friend.

Elder Eric Leggs, Pastor of Genesis Faith Pentacostal House of Prayer

Jesus Christ Lord of Restoration, Lord of Deliverance, Lord of A second chance.

Why Should I believe the Preacher?

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