What is Genesis Faith
Genesis Faith Pentecostal House Of Prayer
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The Mission Statement of Our ministry.

Built On Faith, Powered by Prayer
Immanuel Ecumenical Council of Churches Apostolic International Inc, Member

Genesis Faith Pentecostal House Of Prayer is an Evangelistic-Outreach ministry geared to meet the spiritual needs of men and women by taking the Gospel to the streets and bringing the people to the church. This ministry will help guide you to the true paths of the Righteosness of God, through the study of his written word. This ministry is designed to help preach the GOSPEL to the poor, heal broken hearts, to preach deliverance to those held captive, to set at librety them that are bruised and preach the acceptable year of The LORD. St Luke 4:18-19
This ministry is designed to go to the place where the young people are and teach them sex, drugs and achohol is the trick of the enemy to make them lose their true inheritance.
This ministry will also offer help in the form of counciling for those that need the help.
We will also offer studies into the the WORD of GOD and how to apply it to your everyday lives.
We also offer Church sevices for those that need a place of worship as well as transportation.

What We believe

1. This ministry believes in the GODHEAD, the Father, Son and HolySpirit are one. 1John 5:7, Romans 1:20.
2. This ministry believes in the birth, life, death, burial and ressurection of JESUS CHRIST. Matthew 1:18;27:50;27:57-60, 1Corinthians 15:1-8, Luke 24:1-6.
3. This ministry believes that JESUS is the only savior sent by the Father to save man from curse of sin and eternal seperation from GOD. John 3:16, Romans 6:23.
4. This ministry believes in the plan of salvation, you must repent from sin and be baptised using the formula for baptism which is in the Name of the Father, Son and The Holy Spirit and the name being JESUS CHRIST (the GODHEAD). Acts 2:38, Matthew 28:19, John 3:5.
5. This ministry believes that as a part of the plan of salvation you must recieve the gift of the HolySpirit as the spirit give utterance. Acts 2:1-4, 1 Corinthians 14:22.
6. This ministry believes you must activate the plan of salvation in your life in order to enter in the kingdom of GOD. Romans 14:17, 2 Peter 1:2-4,10-11.
7. This ministry believes that those that have accepted the plan of salvation must live Holy and seprate from worldliness. Ephesians 4:24, 1 Thessalonians 4:7.
8. This ministry believes in the power prayer and faith and that it is a part of the salvation plan in your life. Hebrews 11:6;10:22-23, James 5:15-16.

Genesis Faith Pentecostal House Of Prayer 10534 East Warren Detroit Mi 48214
(313) 822-2336